Looking back at the Fireside Peace Chat with the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders

Fellows from the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders sharing Intersectional Insights from NGOs Advancing Youth, Feminist, and Human Rights-Based Perspectives.   In February 2024, fellows from the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders’…

Join the Programming Advisory Board

Are you passionate about fostering connections and driving meaningful change? Would you like to help strengthen the Peace and Justice impact community of The Hague? The Hague Humanity Hub invites you to join our Programming Advisory Board,…

Community Drinks: An evening of connection

March 28th marked the first time this year that the peace & justice community gathered for Community Drinks at the Hub. What an incredible feeling to reconnect with familiar faces and meet new ones, all in one room!  During…

The Hague Climate Agreement: a collaborative commitment

On April 10, 2024, the city of The Hague, together with 115 parties, including The Hague Humanity Hub and several Hub members, launched The Hague Climate Agreement. The Deputy Mayor of The Hague, Arjen Kapteijns, announced the agreement…

Paving the Way for Enhanced Conflict Resolution: A Milestone Update

We're excited to share some significant developments in our ongoing efforts to enhance conflict resolution capabilities in the Netherlands. Since our last update, we have continued working towards our goal of fostering better coexistence…

Cyber Resilience for NGOs – A Collective Intelligence Effort 

On the occasion of the Annual Peace and Justice Reception, Managing Director Jill Wilkinson presented our ambitions and direction for the near future along with some reflections on our first 6 years