Just Peace is a year-round platform of events, stories, and much more!

Check out justpeacethehague.com for all the latest updates

The Hague breathes peace and justice. Our ambition is to build on this foundation, with the aim of giving peace and justice an important place in the hearts and actions of our residents, entrepreneurs, and organisations. Just Peace is a public facing programme aiming to showcase the variety of ways that the ecosystem of The Hague is working on peace and justice, both nationally and internationally and to make the idea of an ‘International City of Peace and Justice’ more tangible to its citizens.

The Just Peace programme is a partnership between the Municipality of The Hague and The Hague Humanity Hub, co-created together with numerous contributing organisations working towards a more peaceful and just world in The Hague.

Who is it for?

Just Peace activities are tailored to many different sections of the public including Hague citizens, (inter)national visitors, expats, residents of the Hague region, students, NGOs and International organizations both in The Hague and internationally.  

What can you do?

Are you an organisation working on peace and justice in The Hague? Does your work contribute to peace locally, nationally, or globally? Are you interested in connecting to the public or showcasing your work? Get in touch via justpeace@humanityhub.net to see how we can collaborate!