peace&justice café: Towards Climate Equity – report available now!

Last week, The Hague Humanity Hub worked with a number of partners including Oxfam Novib and Hivos, to hold the peace&justice café: Towards Climate Equity. The event was a huge success, with 12 roundabouts held both online and in-person…

Spaces available at the Hub! Co-locate at the centre of the peace & justice community: from flex-working to private offices

Co-locating in the centre of The Hague at the Hub is a great opportunity to meet like-minded people, share ideas, and make use of our beautifully-designed workspace. Whether as a 'third location' to work in, or as a base for your organisation,…

Twee Vacatures – Raad van Toezicht!  

Please scroll down for english  The Hague Humanity Hub is op zoek naar twee nieuwe leden van de Raad van Toezicht.   Wie helpt ons mee in de uitbouw en ontwikkeling van The Hague Humanity Hub als lid van de Raad van Toezicht? Stichting…

Justin Colvard: Strengthening Communities, Building Resilience, and Lessening Inequalities with Mercy Corps

By Sarah Bumberger From being the Country Director in Haiti to the Global Strategic Response Manager, Justin Colvard has now been with Mercy Corps for 10 years, using his acquired expertise to help people build safe, productive and just…

Are you a young lawyer? Do you have a view on an International Anti-Corruption Court? Enter the International Bar Association’s essay competition for a chance to join the IBA conference for free! 

Hannah Terry The International Bar Association’s Annual Conference hosts over 6000 lawyers from over 100 locations each year to discuss topical legal issues. Participants from international law societies, bar associations, and individual…

The Hague Humanity Hub joins consortium that aims to develop ‘Better Conflict Resolution Capabilities’ for the Netherlands

The Hague Humanity Hub is excited to be working on a new initiative to provide better ways to solve pressing conflicts in Dutch society. The 34-partner consortium proposing the initiative have developed a unique systemic plan and have applied…

A Million Solutions on the Head of a Pin: Utilising Microbes for Peace 

As part of the Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS) Congress this July, FEMS2023, Prof. Kenneth Timmis will be giving the prize lecture on the uses of microbes within the pursuit of a more peaceful, just, and sustainable…

Movies that Matter Festival 2023: The Hub’s Top Picks 

By Hannah Terry  Camera Justitia is a competition for films focused on international struggles for justice supported by Gemeente Den Haag and vfonds. The films highlight the highs and lows of activism and tell the important stories…

Movies that Matter Festival to Celebrate Activism Through Film 

By Hannah Terry  Movies That Matter is a Human Rights-focused organisation (and member of The Hague Humanity Hub) that believes in visual media as a vital tool for expanding support for human rights issues and raising awareness of injustices…

Rotary International Peace Fellowships – scholarships for recent graduates

The Rotary Club The Hague Metropolitan is accepting application for its 'International Peace Fellowships'. Check out the requirements below: Each year, Rotary awards fully funded fellowships for peacebuilders from diverse backgrounds to…