Got a book, film, or podcast that you just can’t wait to share? Submit it to the Hub’s Summer Read/Watch/Listen list!

The Hague Humanity Hub community is filled with diverse individuals, all working towards a more peaceful and just world. We’re also all book, film, and podcast lovers, too! Aside from the podcasts produced in our community (check out Asymmetrical Haircuts’ recent episode on justice for Darfur here), the Hub Café is often filled with people recommending things to read, watch, or listen to get a better or broader understanding of current trends, or just to find an escape route from
everyday work!

As we come towards the summer season, we wanted to reach out to ask for reading, film/TV or listening recommendations to share with the Hub community! Here’s the list we published in 2021 for reference. The recommendation doesn’t have to be related to your work, as we’d like to get a good balance of fiction and non-fiction; related to Peace & Justice, but also around topics that you find personally interesting. Please recommend a book, song, podcast, or movie (in any language), new or old, that you think is worth sharing! 

Just send an email to the Community Team with your suggestion and we’ll publish the list in the coming weeks! Perfect for your upcoming holidays, or staying in the office during komkommertijd!