Predictive Analytics Team Lead
The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has a Centre for Humanitarian Data in The Hague, the Netherlands which is focused on increasing the use and impact of data in the humanitarian sector. The vision is to create a future where all people involved in a humanitarian emergency have access to the data they need, when and how they need it, to make responsible and informed decisions.
The Centre has four work streams: data services, data policy, data literacy, and network engagement. The Centre’s data services work includes direct management of the Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX) platform and the Humanitarian Exchange Language (HXL) data standard. For data policy, the Centre is developing guidelines for responsible data use; for data literacy, we offer on in-person and remote training programmes as well as a Data Fellows Programmes. Finally, the Centre engages an active community in support of its mission and objectives through a number events and communication activities.
For more information, and to apply, see the UNOPS website