Just Peace part of first Dutch ‘Rule of Law Week’: get a glimpse into the Netherlands’ most important legal institutions!
Just Peace will be taking part in the first ‘Rule of Law Week‘, which will take place in The Hague from May 30 to June 3 of this year. Rule of Law Week includes a programme with activities for both professionals and for the public. Saturday June 3 is set aside for a public programme, where various important institutions in the Netherlands will open their doors, and Just Peace The Hague will be holding walking tours to mark the occasion! Sign-up is available here.
The tours will take in some of the best-known institutions in The Hague, including the Eerste and Tweede Kamer, het Kabinet van de Koning, Raad van State; Hoge Raad, Raad voor de Rechtspraak, Academie voor Wetgeving en Overheidsjuristen; Nationaal Archief, Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens, and the Schadefonds Geweldsmisdrijven.
Rule of Law Week will also include an essay competition for school children, with the prizes due to be given out on June 3 in the Tweede Kamer.
Professionals will be able to take part in various symposia, knowledge-sharing events, and presentations all themed around the Rule of Law. Events will take in themes including cross-sectoral partnerships, digitalisation, European togetherness and the EU; local legal services, access to justice, ‘175 years of the Thorbecke constitution’, ontology and law, and much more besides.
Rule of Law Week is an initiative of the Academie voor Wetgeving en Overheidsjuristen – and intends to expand knowledge around Rule of Law for both practitioners and the public.
Photo by Michael Fousert on Unsplash