Humans of the Hub: Rudayna Abdo
Welcome to this week’s Humans of the Hub post! This weeks’ innovator is Rudayna Abdo!
Rudayna is the founder of Thaki, one of the newest member organisations to join the Humanity Hub community.
Three years ago, Rudayna left corporate life and decided to set up an organisation that focused on giving digital literacy to refugee children. As a child refugee herself, the importance of maintaining her education became hugely apparent in her adult life:
“My parents, who themselves were Palestinian refugees, always placed such a big emphasis on my education saying: ‘your education is the only thing you take with you’. It’s something I still carry with me today.”
Since Thaki, they have raised enough funding and support to transport over 600 devices to Lebanon and Jordan, helping over 5000 Syrian refugee and other vulnerable children and educate them in digital literacy.
Although Thaki only joined the Hub recently, Rudayna has already integrated well into the community.
“The Hub is a breath of fresh air, most of my team work abroad or remotely. Being here at the Hub has allowed Thaki to integrate with other organisations and attract valuable connections for our development.”
Rudayna’s work means she regularly travels to countries such as Lebanon and Jordan, to refugee camps sometimes being within two kilometres of the Syrian border. It’s her experiences at these camps that inspires her work:
“The best part of my job is being able to see these children, who have been uprooted from their homes and had a terrible start to life, behaving and appearing to just be normal children. Living how kids should be living.”
If you want to find out more about the amazing work that Thaki does, make sure to visit their website, Facebook and Twitter!