
What is it? 

#DemocracyDrinks is a series of networking events bringing together democracy advocates, thinkers and enthusiasts. It’s a great way of making new connections and catching up with people you know; testing ideas and planning actions; finding support and inspiration. 

#DemocracyDrinks was launched by Defend Democracy in Brussels in 2018. Since then, #DemocracyDrinks are being hosted around the world.  Our previous editions in The Hague have attracted a lively mix of people from NGOs, international institutions, think tanks, and national government, among others. 

What can you expect? 

By joining the Democracy Drinks, you can engage with leading experts through moderated conversations and interactive Q&A sessions on current topics related to democracy.  Finish the evening with networking drinks, where you can discuss the topic of the evening, connect and exchange insights with fellow attendees. 

Who is it for? 

Anyone working on or interested in defending values like democracy, rule of law, human rights…  

We hope to see you there! 

Contribute to future editions! 

Do you want to propose a topic? Send us an email at 

Previous editions of #DemocracyDrinks


Looking back at Democracy Drinks The Hague: Investing in Women, Investing in Democracy

#DemocracyDrinks is a global event series that brings together advocates and defenders of democracy to participate in knowledge sharing and collaboration. Over 50 cities worldwide participate, with The Hague edition organised by The Hague Humanity…

Democracy Drinks The Hague: Democracy and the Rule of Law in the EU

“The fight has just begun” Kees Sterk, reflecting on the pro-European victory in Poland and the fight still needed to restore the rule of law Kees Sterk – NHC Committee Member, Senior Judge, former President of the European Networks…

Democracy Drinks The Hague: Disrupting Democracies

For the September edition of the #DemocracyDrinks The Hague we were happy to be joined by PhD researcher Amy Eaglestone from the University of Birmingham. Co-hosted by NIMD, the Netherlands Helsinki Committee and The Hague Humanity Hub, the…